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Showing posts from June, 2020

Activities to Keep Seniors Engaged During the Tough Times

Seniors often have limited mobility caused by arthritis, various types of injuries, or chronic disease. Mental illness, mood disorders, anxiety, and depression are other factors that limit the types of activities that can be enjoyed by seniors. Because of these physical and psychological factors, activities, and hobbies they used to enjoy almost daily may be too difficult. However, the loss of mobility and psychological difficulties should not be limiting factors when it comes to exciting, fun activities. Sure, some activities may be out of reach – like skydiving or scuba diving, but there are many fun activities seniors can enjoy. There are many ways to have fun, stay engaged, and boost mood without having to move around too much. Here are some amazing activities for seniors with limited mobility living in Tampa senior home care: Reading Reading may not seem a terribly fun activity for a younger, active person, but it can be an awesome experience for an adult per...